“Avoid getting cut on the cutting edge”
00:00 – Introduction
03:35 – How did you start many businesses without any money? – NL: The story about how he started a business with just credit cards.
06:38 – “I found that when I’m in periods of high pressure and people depend on me I Lift my game up”
08:55 – CPA and how to start with just one funnel.
09:45 – What is CPA?
11:26 – “Pick your best seller and create a funnel for it and then run traffic to it”
11:42 – Affiliate traffic approach – The time before influencers
17:30 – The point of view of a spoke-hub system for e-commerce
18:45 – Real Estate strategies applied to e-commerce
26:20 – Similarities between CPA and influencer marketing
30:15 – How do you convince an influencer that your brand is the one they should choose to work with? – “Learn EPC (earnings per click) vs CPC (cost per click)” Find out what motivates the influencer.
37:08 – “There are companies that exist entirely on Amazon with physical products, and that’s the stupidest way to build a business”
40:45 – The advantages on building your own platform.
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