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SHOW NOTES for Joshua Elizetxe – Make it a win win win situation
- 02:00 – Who are you Josh? JE – First steps as a teenager trying to become an entrepreneur.
- 4:15 – The anecdote about being invited to a party at the Playboy Mansion while he was underage.
- 05:30 – When you get into a brand, you are looking 30 years down the line.
- 06:37 – “The irony about capitalism is that you have to give the opportunity for your team to have a purpose and make good money”
- 07:45 – “It takes the same amount of time to make a million dollar deal than to make a one hundred millions dollar deal, and time is the only thing you can’t buy”
- 12:15 – How do you recruit a world class team? JE The anecdote about Kobe Bryant and how he changed and improved his life. “A players want to work with A players and they want to be led by someone that’s going to lead them to the top”
- 17:00 – Strategies. “When people receive our product for free they feel like they owe us a lot, and when they see that celebrities are using it and they’re getting it for free they say ‘I’m going to post this all over’”
- 23:00 – Three tips to win the best influencers. 1.- “You have to make it a win win win” 2.- “I never look to make money with the celebrities” 3.- “Licensing fee, equity, money up front”
- 28:08 – “Out there is who you know, but also money talks”
- 30:00 – “How are you going to stand out? It’s all about marketing and sells”
- 32:15 – “Ego is the killer if you are a leader” “People don’t want to work with cheap people”
- 36:30 – “If I have to live on the street to pay a salary to someone I want on my team, I’ll live on the street”
- 39:01 – “You should never have money in your bank account if you are building something of true value”
- 42:00 – 5 questions. 1- How do you get into a state of flow? JE – Gratitude and humility. Write down what i want to tackle and delegate. Airplane mode. “If we don’t focus we’ll fuck us”
- 45:15 – 2 Llifechanging books.
- E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber
- The Science of Success: How Market-Based Management Built the World's Largest Private Company by Charles Koch
- Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio
- Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
- Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don't by James C. Collins
- 50:07 – Best advice given to you. JE “Think bigger, think longer term, put your money where your mouth is and build something that truly has value”
- 55:30 – Would you rather fight one horse size duck or one hundred duck size horses? – JE “The big one. I’m always chasing the bigger hunt. Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better at it.”
- 1:01:48 “Tactics make people rich, strategy makes people wealthy”
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